Getting 'holistic' with soft starters
Mention ‘holistic’ and ‘eco’ in the same sentence and people will think you are talking ...
Selecting soft starters for use with IE3 motors
IE3 motors are now mandatory in Europe for new installations between 7.5 k W and 375 kW. ...
Pumping & energy savings - It's all about timing
When it comes to costs in water-related sectors such as water treatment, wastewater ...
Making the most of premium efficiency motors
We are quite possibly witnessing the beginning of an electric motor market boom as ...
Are you paying for the perception of flexibility in system design?
With an estimated 80% of electric motor applications being fixed speed processes perhaps ...
Why oversizing motors shouldn't be your starting position
What are the trade-offs in oversizing a motor for your next application? Oversizing ...
CAPIEL details the importance of a system approach to energy saving
CAPIEL have released their new position paper which details the importance of a system ...
Half truths and misconceptions: VFDs and energy saving
If you’ve spent any amount of time involved with motor control or automation you’ve ...